We originally purchased our Jade air filter as a means to ensure maximum patient safety above and beyond state mandates. One of our patients, Jay, was selling them through his company and approached us with the information. It was a powerful unit and with this filter running along with upgraded ventilation filtration, we felt we were minimizing the spread of airborne pathogens permanently in our Southeast Portland clinic.
Prior to the fires the display often read “000.” We did not pay much attention to this, but we have recently found out this was a display of the Air Quality Index. Since the fires, the filter has really shown its worth. In the clinic it finally began to creep up as more smoke accumulated around Portland earlier this week.
What was fascinating is what happened when Dr. Whitney and Dr. Q took it to their home in southeast Portland.
The air was even worse in our garage, which had mild sealing around the door. But look at the change that happened in 7 MINUTES!
This is also highlights the real difference between outside air quality and inside air quality. The garage is likely very close to outside, with an AQI of 452. Our home was as low as 18 this morning. By no means are we experts on air filters and their technologies, but this was enough for us to pull the trigger and get one for our Vancouver Clinic as well as one for our home and the home of Dr. Whitney’s parents, one of whom suffers from COPD. The unit is not cheap, $2134.00, as it is a medical grade unit really designed for surgical suites and dental offices. If we get 10 purchases the price drops to $1795. So this may be a lot of overkill for some people. There are also operating costs of replacing the UV-C light and the filters of approximately $360 IF running 24/7. All of these units can be replaced individually and the Jade Air Filter will notify you when each unit needs to be replaced.
Regardless, we are personally moving forward with this and would like to extend the option to our patients and anyone you would like to send this email to. There is also sure to be a delay in shipping, so please do not think this is going to be here Amazon fast. Its likely several weeks to arrive at our clinic. We also have no personal financial gain in these orders.
Please email us if you would like to purchase a Jade air filter from Surgically Clean Air or if you want the full information packet.